Thursday, September 26, 2013

Readers Theatre!

This week we read and learned many nursery rhymes. Here are some we acted out today. Enjoy!
This little piggy and 1,2 buckle my shoe.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Working hard on learning!

 This is our Assistant principal, Mrs. Padron, wearing a Dannon Dannimals carton to encourage parents at pick-up to buy some and send us the carton so we can win a new playground. She REALLY wants us to win!
We read Little Red Riding Hood and the kids acted it out during Reader's Theatre. Aby makes for a great Grandma. Doesn't she?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Learning Happens every Day!!

 Mixing colors again, they should be experts by now...
 At least they enjoyed it!

 Fall has begun. We started learning about the changes in our seasons today.
 Playing on the playground. Notice how we like to stay in the shade. Too hot to stay out too long.
 Parents please buy this product and bring us the wrapper. We are in a contest to win a $30,000 playground makeover. We need to dig out of all the sand and find a better surface for the playground. Help us out!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

New week, feeling better

Brand new week and I'm feeling fine! I was out three days last week a little under the weather. Today was a day filled with lots of great activities and a lot of crazy rain. So no playground, poor us! I have a feeling it's going to be a super week!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A week in the life....

What a great week of learning going on! The number 5 was big this week! A five frame and a five train lead the way. Mixing colors is so much fun. I love science! and so do the kids! Check out some pics of your kids learning.

SEE! I need to take more pics.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Open House Meet the Teacher

Our night began at 6:00 PM, 11 of my 16 parents came to meet me and find out about expectations and how their child is adjusting to school. I have a good bunch of parents that listened very intently and I'm excited to work with them this school year. Of course I forgot to take any pictures. The thought did cross my mind while I was speaking, but quickly left when my speech was over. Of course.

Today we had a much better day. The kids are finally getting into the swing of our schedule and the workload.

Tomorrow is a Work Day for Teachers, students come back on Friday.

This was center time today.