Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Gingerbread Men and Santas, oh my!

 Comparing two of our Gingerbread Man stories.

 Making and writing about the Gingerbread Man.

 Writing sentences and reading them too!

 We finished our Santas!

 Center Time!

Ice Cream Wednesdays!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gingerbread man week!

 We have read 4 versions so far of the Gingerbread man. We made a book and are writing a summary of each story. the kids look forward to comparing and contrasting each story.

 Making our book of summaries.

 What would have happened if the gingerbread man would have jumped in the river to escape all the people that were after him to eat him? Why did he jump onto the fox's or the coyote's tail, back and finally his nose? Our quest was to find out today so we did a science experiment. Everyone stated their hypothesis and drew a picture of what they thought was going to happen. Next, we placed a gingerbread cookie in water and observed. 20 minutes passed and we drew our observations, an hour passed and we drew again. Finally, we made our conclusion, the G.M. would have crumbled in the water SO he HAD to jump onto the fox's back.

 Friends forever. Hailey and Miguel.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Learning and learning about Thanksgiving!

 Mrs. Bello came to show us how the Chrysalis is now a butterfly. We were so excited it finally became a butterfly!

 Ms. Bibi came outside with us and played ball with us. We are good catchers.

 Mauricio built a boat that moves with rollers. Amazing thinker!
 Mauricio did the right thing and won the prize for excellence this month. Congratulations from Mrs. Prusner, our school counselor.
 Before we go to lunch we feed our box for giving every day. It's almost full!

 We ate our Thanksgiving dinner (lunch) in the classroom. We had turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato tater tots, green beans and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. It was delicious!

 We wrote what we were thankful for. It's a good read. Kids express their thankfulness honestly and thoughtfully. Please read them all.

I am thankful for my class and the the great school I work at, Coral Terrace Elementary. I am blessed!