Thursday, September 25, 2014

The writing process, numeral writing, reading and finally FALL!!!

 They know they can read....

 We read what we write.

 We practice our numerals every day.

 We read every single day! Slow and steady wins the race...

I love this! Makes me feel special when kids think about me at home. Thank you Luis!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A week in the life of my K class!....and the week is not over!

 Math is no joke! We are learning the concept of numbers. The number 6 is one more than 5 and has many combinations. How do you make a six?

 Ice Cream Wednesdays are yummy and refreshing!

 Writing numbers and number words.

 Words that begin with mmmmm and aaaaaaa.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Luis reads like a champ!

Haily reading to jacqueline!

Jacqueline and Haily reading knee to knee!

A very busy Friday in Kindergarten!

 Reading knee to knee

 We met Pete the Cat today. I love the way kids react to him. James Dean you know how to light up a kid. I own every single Pete the Cat book made so far and I also have Pete, the stuffed animal. Our adventure continues!
 We painted and mixed colors today. We were Picassos and Rembrandts and Monets. We painted silently to classical music. They LOVED it!!! They all followed directions and Aisha made brown, I tried but was not successful.

Did you see the concentration in their faces. Amazing! I love your kids!!