Thursday, November 20, 2014

Learning and learning about Thanksgiving!

 Mrs. Bello came to show us how the Chrysalis is now a butterfly. We were so excited it finally became a butterfly!

 Ms. Bibi came outside with us and played ball with us. We are good catchers.

 Mauricio built a boat that moves with rollers. Amazing thinker!
 Mauricio did the right thing and won the prize for excellence this month. Congratulations from Mrs. Prusner, our school counselor.
 Before we go to lunch we feed our box for giving every day. It's almost full!

 We ate our Thanksgiving dinner (lunch) in the classroom. We had turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato tater tots, green beans and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. It was delicious!

 We wrote what we were thankful for. It's a good read. Kids express their thankfulness honestly and thoughtfully. Please read them all.

I am thankful for my class and the the great school I work at, Coral Terrace Elementary. I am blessed!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Butterfly observing!

 Mrs. Bello invited us to her 5th grade classroom to observe the life cycle of a butterfly.
 We saw the Chrysalis on the plant.

 See the caterpillar crawling under the leaf. It will be a beautiful butterfly soon.
 Our CTE butterfly garden. Mrs. Bello worked hard on this.
 There were 4 butterflies flying around, and lots of bees!

 ICE CREAM DAY!!! It must be Wednesday.
 Happy Birthday Luis!
 Ice Cream Day AND my birthday, what a treat!

 More butterflies.

Having some fun in the sun!

Monday, November 3, 2014

We play together!

 Today was so great. The kids all played together at PE time. They had races and nobody fought. They worked together and took turns without the timer. It was a sight to see.