Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without the peanuts! Butter and Jelly sandwiches! George Washington Carver style! Love my kids on Valentine's Day and learning that they are the same inside!

 Ethan loved his butter and jelly sandwich.
 I think almost everyone did. Thanks to George Washington Carver for finding this wonderful use for peanuts.

 Loving our promethean for music and stories.

 Valentine cupcakes for all.

 My class early in the morning. They trickle in all morning long.

 Miguel makes a heart with his hands. He's missing his cupcake.
 Luis can buy you with his smile.
 Ethan the sweet trickster loves his classmates.
 Mauricio is marvelous.
 He loves his mom and grandma.

 Yashira loves her family!
 What a cutie Priscilla!
 Caleb smiles!
 Asiah is a sweetheart!
 Valentine graphs and activities.

 School Dance with Mrs. Castro's class.
 So much fun!
Happy Valentine's Day to all my munchkins and their families! Your teacher loves you and loves to teach you everyday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Progress and more progress

 They write small sentences until one day it clicks, they explode in writing goodness. All of a sudden they want to say something important to them, they want to share it, the beginning of real writing to communicate. It's such a wonderful thing to witness. Makes me happy.
 When they can read it to you and when they hear the words come to life when someone else reads it, that's GOLD!
 iready in the library. Plugging away doing the work and progressing.

 Learning about Ruby Bridges and her braveness. Learning about history and asking questions...love it!
I was given this necklace by the sweetest boy ever! Luis loves his teacher and his teacher loves him right back!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The 100th day of Kindergarten! Math time too!

 We made our 100 year old selves! We look pretty good at 100!

 We counted to 100 many times throughout the day, but THIS was our favorite time! Snack time.

 2 dimensional shapes at math time.