Friday, September 25, 2015

We come to eat and dance on Friday!

 Ok, this may sound crazy, but the kids LOVED the food in the cafeteria today. Pizza and rice! (brown rice, I know it looks like white rice) They were all so excited. Maybe we are starting a new craze!!
 This is us in the cafeteria. They are experts at eating.
 Today was our Welcome to school Dance and it was so awesome. We had the best time. Brothers and sisters from other grade levels danced and ate together. We danced the afternoon away!
 This is my Luis from last year. ALL my kids from last year danced with me.
 Jailani was so happy about pizza and rice!

 My amazing dancers.

Dances are so much fun!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Busy as little bees!

 Our reading song!

 Buddy reading on the rug.

 Our country is Mexico for Hispanic Heritage month. We are working hard making maracas, mini-Pinatas and decorating the Mexican flag.

Friday, September 18, 2015

One busy week....oh my!!!

 It rained so much this week we only got to go outside one day! Doesn't mean we couldn't get the wiggles out though. We got up and did the freeze dance.

 The day we got to go out was so much fun!
 We are learning about our 5 senses and about how to see the world around us through those senses. This day we tasted a few things and built our taste vocabulary. We tasted bitter, sour, sweet and salty. Can you guess their favorite?

 Juliette tasting the sour lime. What a face! Priceless!

 Sidewalk chalk! It was on sale at Target. I got two whole packs! Don't worry parents it washes off.

 The best part of Kindergarten are the friendships we will make. We are learning how to make friends, be a friend and keep friends. Not so easy when you're 5. Learning the language of friendship is totally fun though.