Friday, January 29, 2016

Planting some beans!

 Our unit on plants and animals is under way and the kids want to know everything!! It's so cute!!

It was a good day!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We're Mathing it!!

 The number 11 to 20 are so fun to practice. We learn to look at these numbers as 10 ones and some more. 10 +3 more, etc. We also wrote the number and the number word. Practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It rained and rained and rained... so we played inside!

 I took this pic to show Caro's mom that she does participate in class and is learning every day. She is my English Language Learner that just came from Cuba before the holidays
 It's important at this age to learn to work with each other and play together, even though parallel play is evident .

 Self expression, relaxing and using color to make a piece unique and full of choices each child makes is priceless!

 Building, the signature of Kindergarten and beginnings of STEM.
 Imaginative play is part of being 5.
 Pentominoes is a video game but with manipulation without the worry of winning.
 Jailani turned 6!  Thank you for inviting your teacher. It was a fun afternoon.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Finally a beautiful day!

Finally outside and playing on a beautiful day! After all the rain it's wonderful to be running around.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Ten frames once more. Learning what numbers 11 to 19 look like. We learn the these numbers are 10 plus one more, two more, three more, etc. We also talked about what age teenagers are. 13, 14, 15, etc. There's a "teen" behind the number. They all knew a teenager! learning to write and read these numbers too.