Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pretty good Thursday!

 The end of the habitat projects.

 These fasteners used to be called brads. I'm old.
 Making a clock to practice our o'clocks and thirty's.

 Our school is on testing lock-down. NO movement in the building. So Maximo is helping is take out our heebies.

 Found a freeze song that includes a time component it's called freeze and tell me the time, or something like that.

Valentina drew this for me. I'm the tall skinny blond. Looks just like me! LOL I'm going to miss seeing that face next year, but I'm so excited for the opportunity she has been given. Good luck Valentina! Show them what a bright star you are!!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Habitat Project

 Great job to all those that worked hard and had it ready to turn it in this morning. The kids presented it to the class and they were knowledgeable You made your parents proud! Good job mom and dad!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

St.Patrick's Day

 It's going to be a good day!
 A sea of green greeted me today.

 A green line selfie as we go to lunch.
 A nice gift from one of my kids while we were outside playing. So sweet.
I think I need a selfie stick. My arm is just not long enough.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Class

 My class working at writing about pets.
 An internet glitch.
 Friends playing outside. We love playing with Mrs. Castro's class.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Writing a weather report

 Drawing a sunny day has to be done outside. We thank Home Depot for donating our new picnic tables and sprucing up our gazebo and that area. I know they're not done, but it's a great start! HD, you made this lesson possible. We wrote a weather report and it was on this perfect day. I should have taken pictures of their writing, but I was busy grading and displaying the writings. I hope I remember on Monday! Maybe I should record them reading their own writing?! Yup, I think so.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Congratulations Samantha!!

 Samantha represented our class at the Black History oratorical contest. She did a phenomenal job!!!
 All the kids were so excited!
 Sidewalk chalk extravaganza!

This week back at the classroom....

 Catching ladybugs at recess.
 Making words with DI group #3.

 Reading Dr.Seuss books is so much fun!

 Reading readers is fun too!
 Our new student, Christopher.  He's getting used to the USA.