Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Going 100 miles an hour in Third Grade

A little bit of everything

During the holidays we made a personal ornament.

 Mrs. Esquenazi, our ESOL teacher is the best instructor! She has been a true Godsend this year.
 Bone Bridge STEM Challenge was the best hands-on Science inquiry. The kids enjoyed putting the bridges together and writing about it.

 Games from our grant help destress us.
 Presenting our projects for Hispanic Heritage.
 Building bridges during Science.

 Outside recess on a beautiful, sunny day.
 CRAZY hat day!!!

Thank you Donorschoose.org!

 I acquired a grant for some pretty pricey and innovative materials. The 6 wobble chairs are a nice addition to our class and the kids are enjoying taking their turn testing them out. The mobile library makes it easy to maneuver the books around the class and makes any area the library center.