Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A veteran came to visit us!

 So, this happened today. Carlos Constanzo, City of Miami fire fighter, came to visit us. He is a Marine veteran, firefighter, husband and dad to 3 spectacular kids. He brought the kids some special frozen pencils and camouflage ones too. The dog tags and necklaces for the girls were icing on the cake. It was so appreciated! Of course I was so surprised that I even forgot to take a picture of him and the kids. I hope he returns and we can have another opportunity to talk to him. The kids asked so many questions! Did you die? Do you have the guns? Do you still have your uniform? Are you Mrs. Ruiz's father? That one was especially funny since I remember holding him as a baby. I was a teenager! This was important to my kids! They met a real veteran! Authentic experiences cement concepts in their minds. I know they will always remember today.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A busy season of holidays

 Last week we celebrated Veteran's Day. We read some stories that explained to the kids about who these special people are and that they serve in different branches of the military. I have a very special friend that served in the Marines a few years ago. I remember his mom being very worried about him and how much we prayed that he would come home safe. He did and we are all grateful. Carlos is now a firefighter dad to three great kids and he and his wife work very hard to provide for them. We saluted him and hopefully they will meet him on Career Day. These extraordinary people that serve are important and what they do is important. It is paramount that we tell their stories to our kids and show them that we are proud of these men and women.

Preparing for Thanksgiving we read stories that told about the first Thanksgiving and why the pilgrims came to this country. On Wednesday we had our feast, which was an oral vocabulary word from a couple of weeks past, we ate turkey and mashed potatoes and tried pumpkin pie. Most of the kids loved the whipped cream and not the pie, but at least they tried it and now they know if they like it or not. We made headbands like native Americans(I only have 2 hands). I would have loved to have pilgrims too.

 Have I told you that your kids love to read. They love to get books from our center and read on the rug. They are so proud when they can do this by themselves.  They buddy read too. I wish we had more time for this.

 Bonds of friendship have been made and cemented forever. They care for each other and have each others back. The world can learn from these kids, peace abounds in friendship. I did not bring up the subject of last weekend, the Paris bombings. If any child brings it up I will answer their questions and try not to cry. I can't even begin to think how to explain it. Too complicated for 5 and 6 year olds.

 We go to the library 2 times a week to work on iready. One day is for Reading, the next for Math.  Please stick to the 10 minutes a day rule for HW. We get to be on the computers for 30 minutes at a time. Please do not log in for your children. let them do it on their own. They need to become independent at this task and at many others.

 We made place mats and learned to weave paper. They loved making the Turkey to stick on. Let them use it under their plate on Thanksgiving Day. We did eat in the classroom and they each told us what they thankful for. I didn't get and pictures ( I, again, have only 2 hands). Most of them were thankful for their family, sisters, mom, dad and school. It was heart warming to hear what is in their hearts.

Thank you for all your donations of cans and non-perishable food. The donations will go to families in our community that do not have enough to eat. You made a difference! #bethegood #helping otherswehelpourselves #thankfulhearts #childrenhelp #peaceonearth

Monday, November 2, 2015

Storybook Parade, A la rueda, rueda, and misc. pics!

A la rueda, rueda de pan y canela dame un besito y vete pa la escuela. Si no quieres ir, acuestate a dormir!!!