Friday, October 11, 2013

Math, Math is so much fun, so much fun for everyone! MATH!!

 Counting to ten with our 10 frames. Different ways to make a ten. We practice all week long and become "10" experts.   

 Making a ten using cubes. One red train and one blue train. practice makes perfect. We build skills in order to facilitate learning in first grade. We (kindergarten) are the base that is laid for all other learning is to be built upon.

 Javier and Leanna worked together to build this life-sized puzzle. They were so proud of their accomplishment.
 Alejandro has a Dannonanimals mustache. He was our dot-plate champion today. He can recognize the dot patterns from 1 to 10 the fastest in our class.
 Retelling the The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle on the carpet. Retelling stories builds vocabulary, sequencing and involves us in comprehension.
 Janie came today to help Mrs. Ruiz. She re-shelved and changed all of our books to sturdier containers. Thanks Janie for all of your help.
Watching Stellaluna in our classroom. We read the story for reading and also learned about nocturnal animals. This week was bat week, next week, MONSTERS!!! Can't wait to show kids how to be brave.

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