Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Week of School almost over...

This week has been long and hard for my students and I. We are both tired by the end of the day and want to go home. Getting used to working all day long is difficult for the little ones. But we have been having some fun too! Trying to get them into a routine is difficult and it takes some training to getting the class running so learning can take place. Here are some activities we have been doing this week:
Mustache pictures are just fun.
See what I mean?
Math is a hands-on approach.
Learning/developmental centers is just fun and age-appropriate.

Friendships are nurtured.
We read Pete the Cat and loved it!

All in all a good week of exhausting activity and learning.

Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School

Today I met 16 cute little Kindergartners. Some were excited and some were scared, but by the end of the day I think I won them over. Excuse me if I am completely exhausted but now I must sleep and rest for another exciting day in Kindergarten! Thank you parents for having such great kids!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Tips and Tricks.....

Here's my #1 tip to teachers: Smile and enjoy the day! It goes so quickly.
#2 Overplan! I always do and it makes me feel more confident. You can always do the rest tomorrow.
#3 Remember to let the kids put some original work up on that first day. It makes this room their own room. they buy into their new community.
(first picture shows empty bulletin board)

#4 Remember that it is so important to know how they go home! This is Kindergarten, they are so scared they barely remember their name. Don't let a parent escape without filling out that slip of paper.
#5 Remember to celebrate! The first day is over and you made them feel like they want to come back tomorrow! Success!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Taming the Wild! My management system!

I use the clip-chart system. This will be my third year using it. It works very well for me. I don't remember the teacher's name that came up with it. Sorry!!! But I appreciate his work and thank him for coming up with this. It keeps them focused on the good behavior and wanting to get that gem!
We start with Rulzee, our classroom pet. He's a dinosaur pupped that lives in this soft cage. He watches everyone's behavior through the slots in his cage. He communicates to me how sad or happy he is when he sees certain behaviors. The kids eat it up! These are the rules in my classroom. We practice them with Rulzee.
This is the clip chart. This is how it works.... Every child starts the day on Ready to learn (green). They can move up when they show an act of kindness, use appropriate language, do excellent work, etc. When they get to outstanding they get a gem on their pin. It's a really big deal! They get to choose the color of the gem. They can continue great behavior and get to the top of the chart (pinned on top) or off the chart (pinned to my key lanyard). When they get 4 gems they get to take it home! Mom and dad are to make a big deal of it and give them dessert, or take them out for ice cream, add 10 minutes to their bedtime, etc. Now if they don't follow a rule they their pin travels down. First it's a "think about it" warning, Then it's a "teacher's choice" meaning I get to choose what happens. It can be sitting out recess for 10 minutes, or not getting a treat that everyone gets or just a disappointed teacher look. If they get to the bottom I contact the parent in some way. It's done through the communication form that goes home everyday.

They can move up or down throughout the day. Every day is a new day and the kids come in "ready to learn."

Organizing for Instruction

I have been working this summer on organizing my life! Which means my classroom of course. Thanks to Pinterest and Deanna Jump I am becoming an organized teacher. Not that I haven't been, but I now have systems in place to ensure organizing me and therefore my kids.
My student files for graded student work is located next to my desk.
These files are my catch-all. This is where I put all my things that don't have a place yet or are not put away as of yet. This way they are not all piled up, one on top of each other.
My desk is still cluttered, but I need to put away my receipts, give the books to my former students, feed my apple some post-its, etc.
We decided as a grade group to use binders for HW/communication folder. I love this one-stop shop for all information.
I found this idea on pinterest! Inspired from Mrs. Jump. This is a plastic baggie, reinforced by cool duct tape and used for money collection. We are always collecting money for something. Money for pizza, chocolate, field trips, etc. This way I don't have to say "Who gave me this dollar?".
There are three transparent pockets. One for the behavior chart, one for Homework and one for forms.
Made labels with student names for everything! Found a cute student pic for each label.
Under my kidney table is a place for office supplies. They are out of students' eyesight.
Right now this is next to the table, but my custodian promised me tomorrow to either lend me his tool so I can raise the table a bit or he will do it himself. I hope it's the latter. :/
More labels!
I used Mrs. Jump's organization of books by theme and used labels with the same picture on each book so the kids can help keep it this organized.
Manipulatives labeled!

Daily supplies labeled today.

Looking forward to keeping it organized while concentrating on instruction.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Tour!

Come with me... and you'll see...what's inside my imagination....

                                 Kidney table/etc.
          computers/teacher desk/student tables
                                     manipuatives for math
                           Everyone's birthday cupcakes
                                    Student tables
                                Welcome door

   Rulzee's home/behavior chart/books to read
                         A comfortable place to read
                               The book center
                                  All purpose table

Monday, August 12, 2013

10 facts about me!

#1 I have been married for 28 years to the love of my life, Ray Ruiz. We dated for 4 1/2 years and met while working at McDonald's. I think it was the french fries. He was my prom date our senior year in high school, but we did not go to the same high school.
 #2   I have 2 fantastic, wonderful, smart daughters!
Julie is 26 and lives in Boston. She went there to earn her master's degree and was offered a job and she stayed. I miss her every day! 
#3 Janie is 23 and completed her undergraduate degree at UCF. She is still in search of her career path, but I know that when she finds it she will be the best at it! She currently lives in South Carolina with her fiance, Andrew. He is attending a graduate program at USC. Their wedding date is fast approaching.
 #4 I love my house! We have lived in our home for 24 years.
#5  I am THE biggest General Hospital fan. I record it everyday and love watching it.

#6 My favorite thing to do is go to the movies. I go see every movie I can during my summers off.

#7 I LOVE being a teacher! The best part are the kids. I laugh all day long at the cute things they say when they express themselves. 

#8  Spending time with friends and family is important to me.

#9 I love music! All kinds. I love the beetles, Keane, Amazing Dragon, Pitbull, Maroon 5, etc.

#10 I am the biggest Pollyana! Optimist to the core! Glass half full, behind the cloud there is the sun shining, lemons to lemonade kind of person. It's annoying sometimes.

Teacher week! Time to learn!