Thursday, August 15, 2013

Taming the Wild! My management system!

I use the clip-chart system. This will be my third year using it. It works very well for me. I don't remember the teacher's name that came up with it. Sorry!!! But I appreciate his work and thank him for coming up with this. It keeps them focused on the good behavior and wanting to get that gem!
We start with Rulzee, our classroom pet. He's a dinosaur pupped that lives in this soft cage. He watches everyone's behavior through the slots in his cage. He communicates to me how sad or happy he is when he sees certain behaviors. The kids eat it up! These are the rules in my classroom. We practice them with Rulzee.
This is the clip chart. This is how it works.... Every child starts the day on Ready to learn (green). They can move up when they show an act of kindness, use appropriate language, do excellent work, etc. When they get to outstanding they get a gem on their pin. It's a really big deal! They get to choose the color of the gem. They can continue great behavior and get to the top of the chart (pinned on top) or off the chart (pinned to my key lanyard). When they get 4 gems they get to take it home! Mom and dad are to make a big deal of it and give them dessert, or take them out for ice cream, add 10 minutes to their bedtime, etc. Now if they don't follow a rule they their pin travels down. First it's a "think about it" warning, Then it's a "teacher's choice" meaning I get to choose what happens. It can be sitting out recess for 10 minutes, or not getting a treat that everyone gets or just a disappointed teacher look. If they get to the bottom I contact the parent in some way. It's done through the communication form that goes home everyday.

They can move up or down throughout the day. Every day is a new day and the kids come in "ready to learn."


  1. Rulzee was for sure a favorite and Quinn still has her gem pins, she has them proudly displayed!
    Great set up !

  2. If Rulzee could have his own journal, what great stories he would tell. lol

  3. If Rulzee had his own journal, what stories he would tell! :)
