Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Week of School almost over...

This week has been long and hard for my students and I. We are both tired by the end of the day and want to go home. Getting used to working all day long is difficult for the little ones. But we have been having some fun too! Trying to get them into a routine is difficult and it takes some training to getting the class running so learning can take place. Here are some activities we have been doing this week:
Mustache pictures are just fun.
See what I mean?
Math is a hands-on approach.
Learning/developmental centers is just fun and age-appropriate.

Friendships are nurtured.
We read Pete the Cat and loved it!

All in all a good week of exhausting activity and learning.


  1. My daughter (Natalia) loves being in your class and having you as her teacher. Every afternoon when I pick her up, she goes on about what she learned.It was nice meeting you at Open house!

  2. That makes me so happy! She is such a beautiful child, very polite and very enthusiastic! It's so great meeting you too.
