Friday, December 18, 2015

ON the 18th day of December

 Today was a fun day, as it should be. We had an exploratory Science lesson and the kids connected gum drops with uncooked spaghetti noodles. They made shapes and houses and spiders and popcorn. Their imaginations are the limit!

 At the Christmas dance we had a spectacular time. We danced and danced and danced!

Have a great Holiday Break!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Remember tomorrow is the Christmas dance. No doughnuts for sale!

ON the 17th day of Christmas

 We started our day singing Christmas Carols. The kids love it! What are we going to do after the holidays? We read Who Will Guide My Sleigh today . The kids always love this story and it incorporates so many story elements and writing content. They actually completed a comprehension activity and recalled all the details from the story. Look at the concentration on their faces. They were thinking!

 We continue our jump rope challenge. I began the lesson and now I leave them to figure the rest out on their own. Who will jump? Who will twirl the jump rope? Will they work together to figure it out? It takes awhile, but in the end they always do. Lots of bumps and scratches along the way.

 Learning to play with other classes is a challenge, one we accept everyday.
 Friends forever! Sabri, Caro, Isa and Vale.
 A new game they made up. Limbo with a jump rope!
Another new game. They are so funny. It was a good day.