Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ON the 16th day of December

 We started the day in our pajamas and reading The Polar Express. We got silly and funny and we cut and pasted and drew and wrote about the order of the story. We worked really hard and discussed our belief in Santa Claus. We all believe in Santa!!!

 Going to lunch!
 We couldn't get the Polar Express movie to play on the internet so we watched another movie, Curious George Christmas.
 Jailani's mom made the best butter Christmas cookies. The kids ate them up! nom nom nom!

 They were beautiful too!
 We drank hot chocolate and ate cookies!

 Carolina had a great time, she loves the USA!

We ended the day in our pajamas and singing Happy Birthday to Samantha! Her sister, Sarah, came too to sing and wish her well.


  1. What a great month the kids have had!! Thank you Mrs. Ruiz for the great pictures, memories and hard work you put into teaching our children!!

    Many blessings,

  2. You're welcome! I do it with pleasure! Merry Christmas!
